I've had the pleasure of having an almost-2 year old as a houseguest for the last week. He's Cash Allen, my grandson from Oklahoma. Needless to say, it's been a while since my house has been inhabited (or should I say, taken over) by a 2 year old. It's DIFFERENT! But, I've observed him long enough to learn a few things. 1. Questions are good . He's not embarrassed about what he doesn't know. He asks questions...constantly...endlessly. Did I say constantly? 2. People are most important. Most of those questions involve "Where is...? Why? Where did they go? When are they coming back? 3. Love is unconditional. Kisses and hugs are the norm. Even if you're an inanimate object. 4. Go till you drop, then drop. Work hard, play hard, live hard...then crash and rest, so you can start it all over again. Let's face it, sometimes we can learn more from these little guys than we teach th...