For the past couple of weeks, our home has been in the process of being remodeled.  We're turning a Dining Room into a Study, a Game Room back into a Game Room, knocking out a wall, blowing up our Bathroom...you get the picture.  Great stuff.  But, along with that comes great mess.  Everything's in a different place...including us.

But, here's the big deal...TOTAL DISORDER.  The project is going well and everyone is happy, but the order to our home that we take for granted is gone.  I don't mean disrupted or effected...it's GONE.  I guess I never knew it was there.  I just took it for granted.

Now, don't get me wrong, this is not a household that operates with military precision.  Far from it.  But, there is order.  We know where things are (mostly).  We know where to put things.  We can walk though rooms without having to create a trail (now you get the picture?).

Order is a good thing.  I'm not talking about ruts...I'm talking about order.  Order around us, allows for order inside us.  Order in our homes and workplaces helps to undergird order in our private and personal lives.

I believe one of the greatest challenges to a rich and growing spiritual life can simply be a lack of order in one's private life.  Lack of quality time with God on a daily basis may not be caused by a lack of love for God so much as a lack of discipline and order in getting to bed at a regular time, getting adequate rest, getting up at a planned hour and having a plan in place for spending time with God daily.

It's true that if "We fail to plan, then we plan to fail", but even with the best of plans, order and discipline must accompany them in order for the plan to become reality.

Possibly, one of the most spiritual things you can do is go to bed or get up at the alarm or arrange your junk drawer...whatever is necessary to order your private world.

In the mean time, has anybody seen my toothbrush?


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