Whether they are written on our calendars, on our Bucket Lists, discussed with those we love or just assumed somewhere back in the recesses of our minds, we all have PLANS.  PLANS of how parts and pieces of our lives will go.  When we will marry.  When and how many children we will have.  Where we will work, where we will live, how much money we will make...what our lives will look like.
     The problem is, seldom do they go that way.  Sometimes there are little detours along the way.  Sometimes we are totally sidetracked.  Sometimes they explode in our face and it seems as though EVERYTHING...EVERYTHING we planned has blown up.  Sometimes it's the "by this time we will" things that don't go as planned.  Sometimes it's devastating when the children we planned for don't come.  Health, finances, relationships, relocations outside our control, downsizing....all of these and more can adversely impact our plans and send us reeling.
     Some adjust better than others.  Some are incapable of adjusting at all.  The plan wasn't a dream or a hope...it was etched in stone.  Which one of those describes us determines, not whether or not we are DISAPPOINTED, but rather the depth of our DISAPPOINTMENT.
     The real problem we face is the assumption that OUR PLANS ARE GOD'S PLANS.  In reality, however, God's Word teaches us the absolute opposite.  God plainly states, "My thoughts are not your thoughts and my plans are not your plans".  It's right there in black and white.  Not much room for misinterpretation.  His plans for us are different than our plans for us.  The DISAPPOINTMENT comes from our assumption that either a) Our plans and God's plans are the same, b) Our plans are superior to God's plans or c) If God loves us and is a good God, He will make sure our plans come to fruition.  All three of those assumptions are wrong and lead to DISAPPOINTMENT when things don't go as we planned.
      What if we changed just one letter in that word... From DISAPPOINTMENT to HIS APPOINTMENT?  Small change...huge difference.  What if we determined the success of our lives and the ensuing happiness we derive less by how well they fulfill OUR PLANS and more by how well they fulfill HIS APPOINTMENT for our life?  When the detours and hardships and deviations of life come, what if we saw them less as our plans going down in flames and more as God having His way in spite of us?  Might it change DISAPPOINTMENT into HIS APPOINTMENT? Might we be moved from confusion to joy?  Might we think, "My plan was good, but I know God's is better". 
     Here's an absolutely crazy idea...what if part of our exalting Jesus to the position of LORD over our life included bringing all our plans, all our assumptions and all our preconceived notions and laying them down at his feet.  In essence saying, "Here's all my plans for my life...all my wants and dreams and expectations.  I bring them as a sacrifice to you.  I lay them down in lieu of your BETTER plans for me.  That way, since I have no expectations except that you would be glorified through me, I will have no DISAPPOINTMENTS along the way.  Do whatever brings you glory and I'll be happy with that."  
     Crazy idea, huh?


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