I know, you thought that series was over. Well, you're right. The series is over. But, the need for BALANCE is a never ending struggle. Yesterday, I was cleaning out my Inbox. (Waaaaay too many emails. I have a tendency to be an email hoarder. You never know when you might need that!) But, as usual, I digress. In doing so, I found a very disturbing email from the Finance guy. Here was its contents:
5% (27 families) account for 35% of total giving
10% (53 families) account for 54% of total giving
20% (107 families) account for 76% of total giving
I don't know...does that sound like BALANCE to you? It might if we were flush with a group of Millionaires. Maybe we are, but I doubt it. I've always heard about the 80/20 Rule. 20% of the people do 80% of the work. 20% of the people give 80% of the money. It appears to be about right on the money (pun intended).
It might be a rule, but it's definitely not a standard of health. What does it say? It says that, as a church, we're out of BALANCE. It says that, as a church, a few are highly committed and are carrying the load for the many. It says that a huge percentage of folks in our church do not make God a priority in their finances. That's the tough one.
Look at the priorities of your finances and put God at the #1 spot. That's where He demands to be. That's where He deserves to be. HE'S GOD.
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