I have a reputation.  I'm the "DRESSING GUY".  It's just not a holiday if Tom doesn't make his dressing.  You know, dressing...the kind that goes with a turkey.  I'm not totally sure if everyone really loves it, or if they just found someone dumb enough to make the stuff year after year.  It's somewhat labor-intensive.  Just one year, I'd like to be the cranberry person.

People always ask me, "What's your recipe?, to which I respond, "I don't have one".  Not trying to be a smarty pants, I just don't.  I just put some of this and some of that and some of this other thing and it works out.  No recipe.  No measurements.  Just throw it all in and hope for the best.  It's probably a little different every year, but basically the same.

So, how do I know what to put in?  Well, my dad made the dressing in our house growing up.  I never asked him for a recipe (not sure he had one either).  I just watched what he did and then did it.  Now that I write that, it sounds very spiritual.  Not the dressing part...the watching my father part and doing what he did part.  In case you don't know, that's what Jesus said he did.  He watched his father and did what he did.  Then, he told his disciples to do the same.

It's a process that's worked really well for me with the dressing (got a reputation), it worked really well for Jesus too.  And when his disciples actually followed his lead, it worked really well for them as well.

"Watch me and do what I do".  Pretty simple.  Worked with the dressing.  Worked with the disciples.  Pretty sure it will work with us as well.  It's called DISCIPLESHIP.  "Watch me and do what I do".  PERIOD.  Then you can have a reputation for something more than FOLLOWING JESUS!  Very cool.


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