What do helicopters and empty tombs have to do with one another? Seemingly, nothing. So, why would we want to spend thousands of dollars and thousands of man-hours on helicopters, Easter eggs, football stadiums, cotton candy and blow-up bouncy things? (even a mechanical bucking bunny!)
That's a great question. One that requires and demands more than one answer. First, we're doing it because we have a mission. Our mission is to introduce real people to a real God. In order to fulfill that mission, we have to meet people where they live. We have to think like they think and be interested in what they are interested in. Lost people in Pearland care about their kids and want the best for them. If we are to fulfill our mission, this is one opportunity to reach them.
Another reason we're doing this is because of who our competition is. Our competition is not the church down the street, (although in many of our minds, that's exactly who our competition is) but the world. We can't compete for the souls of the people of Pearland with the second-rate and the second-hand. We should be unapologetic in doing whatever we do with audacious gusto. The church should adopt a first-class or pass mentality. We can't throw out a bag of oreos and a pitcher of Koolaid and call it the party to end all partys. The world just isn't buying it.
Here's another reason for you. It's Easter. For Christians, it's the biggest...the holiest...the most powerful and important day of the year. The Church of Jesus Christ (the savior who left the tomb empty and the stone rolled away) has every right...no, change that, the mandate to party like it's never partied before. The tomb is empty. The Lord is risen. He is risen indeed! That's not time to sit in a circle and sing Kum-ba-ya to one another. It's time to celebrate!
And celebrate we will! Hope you can join us for the GREAT PEARLAND EGG DROP. 20,000 Easter eggs dropped from a helicopter onto the floor of the Rig (Pearland ISD Football Stadium), cotton candy and popcorn, pictures of your child with the Easter Bunny, and games, games, games. Did I mention the giveawys....bunches of great giveaways. You could win a Wii or an iPod. Everyone will have a great time. Hope you join us!


  1. I totally agree and I am SO glad we are doing this! This is the most important time of the year for us to celebrate and celebrate in a BIG way! Go Crosspoint!

  2. My biggest complaint is that my daughter got hurt. Her friend got trampled by PARENTS! In the madness, it could have been a place for a pedophile to snatch their next victim.

    Kids safety was compromised and that is a valid reason to be upset. My kids didn't get any eggs and neither did their friends. Honestly, they were more upset about being hurt.

    Looking at the aftermath was like looking at a warzone. How can you spin that into a good thing? Are hurt children worth getting a few extra people to come to church? That goes directly against what Jesus stood for.

  3. I usually answer any and all complaints. If you are concerned about the size of the crowd, point well taken. We had no way of knowing or expecting that size crowd. We did everything we could to make the children's safety our first priority.
    If your need is to ridicule by your inference that our goal was to get a few extra people to come to church by hurting children, then I really don't feel that merits any response.
    I'm very sorry your child did not have a good time. That was our only purpose.


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