Out of the Closet...I'm PRO-CHOICE(S)
Hope that title kind of got you. Please, let me explain. Much bothers me about the world we live in...especially in our nation these days. Here are some of the choices we face: *Are you a Trump supporter or a Trump hater? *Do you support the 2nd Amendment or are you for gun control? *Do you support Colin Kaepernick and the kneelers or do you support our troops and love our country and its anthem? *Do you believe Black Lives Matter or Blue Lives Matter? *Do you support Gay rights or do you believe homosexuality is a sin? Let's face it, you and I both know I could go on and on and on ad infinitum...ad nausium. We're posed with choices, but usually only two to choose from. Both seem to be the most extreme versions of any argument. In fact, that's what our nation has become...a nation of two choices juxtaposed at two very opposite extremes. We find solace in asking, "Which extreme do you identify with? Are you one of us or one of them. Can we be friends or not?...