The last time I sat down to write was the day before I went in to have spinal cord surgery. I shared my fears, as well as my trust. Well, I'm happy to share with you that my surgery went absolutely as planned. As soon as I started to come out of the sedation, I wiggled my fingers and wiggled my toes and they both wiggled. Then, I did my little "happy dance" (invisible, internal edition) and smiled wryly. It was a good moment. It was a VERY good moment. So, what did I learn from this experience. It might not be what you'd expect (it certainly isn't what I expected), but I'm glad you asked. 1. If God can't slow me down long enough to get my attention, He will lay me down, by any means necessary. The Bible says that our God is a jealous God. We struggle with understanding exactly what that means. The problem is that we hold jealousy in such a negative light. And, how can you attribute a negative characteristic on to a perfect and holy God? When His Wor...