GET MESSY Last Sunday, I talked about COMPASSION with our church. I talked about how we, as a society, have become compassionately-challenged. Much of our compassion has been reduced to clicks of a mouse at our computer. “ I’m so sorry”. “I’ll be praying for you”. (whether we do or don’t is another issue…but we mean well) Or the best one of all, (I say this extremely tongue in cheek) “Let me know if there’s anything I can do”. Seriously? That’s the best we got? Sadly, it oftentimes…most times is. OK, OK, so we agree we’re compassionately-challenged. In fact, I am the chief of sinners in this particular instance. So, we’ve taken the first step. We’ve come out of denial and admitted we have a problem. Good. But, that’s not the solution…just the first step to finding a solution. I think the problem may go a little deeper. ...