
Showing posts from April, 2013


I had a conversation with someone yesterday and I had to be "that guy".  You know, the guy who deals in the realm of stark reality.  The guy who says, " That sounds good but it won't work.  It doesn't add up".   I think sometimes as Christ-followers, we decide that guy is the "Anti-Christ".  Following God is about just hearing whatever we think we hear, dreaming whatever we want to dream and going for it...full steam ahead, damn the torpedoes, don't look back, don't let anyone distract you, don't let anyone steal your joy....etc. But then, there's this little book called Proverbs.   It's written by this guy who was told by God he could ask for anything, and he asked for wisdom.   Pretty clever.  Pretty wise.   He says things like "there is wisdom in a multitude of counselors".   There's a prevailing theme throughout the book that says " get counsel...get wise counsel...get a multitude of counselors......


     Much of the world views Christians as MORONS.   I have to give them credit, they're half right.  I would define Christians more as OXYMORONS.   What is an OXYMORON , you ask?  Well, here's what Mr. Webster says...       : a combination of contradictory or incongruous words (as cruel kindness ); broadly : something (as a concept) that is made up of contradictory or incongruous elements       It comes from two little Greek words... oxys, meaning keen, sharp and moros,  meaning dull or stupid.  Two concepts that are totally opposite and mutually exclusive.        Here are a few examples of oxymorons: Jumbo Shrimp Clearly Confused Deafening Silence Random Order Original Copy      You get the picture.  Two things that absolutely do not go together.  That don't fit.  That make sense separately, but not together.  Those are oxymorons. ...


If your boss pulled you aside and said, " I've been watching you and you're doing a great job.  Here's $100, and take the rest of the day off" , what would you do? How many of you would say " Thank you" , head back to work, and later, take home the $100 and either frame it to admire from time to time, or simply put it in a drawer and pull it out every now and then to remember that great moment from the past? May seem like a stupid question, but it's exactly what many of us do in the church world. One of the HARDEST THINGS to do in ministry is to gain MOMENTUM.   The only thing that may be even harder is MAINTAINING MOMENTUM.   But, more times than not, we're like a dog that chases a car.  If he ever caught it, he wouldn't know what to do with it.  We're the same way with MOMENTUM.   We work like dogs to achieve it, but if we're successful, we don't have a clue what to do with it. Here's an example:  Recently, like ever...


I listen to people publicly dumping on and dissing christians from every angle and for every reason imaginable.  It breaks my heart.  It makes me mad.  It frustrates me.  Think of an emotion...I've felt it.  Why are christians always the target? This week, unspeakable tragedy and pain came into the life of a christian.  One that many of us know.  One who is, because of his success as a pastor and author, a public figure.  His name is Rick Warren.  He pastors Saddleback Church in Lake Forrest, California.  He is the author of THE PURPOSE-DRIVEN LIFE . I could go on and on with his accomplishments for the Kingdom of God, but this week, none of that matters.  This week, all that matters is the fact that his 27 year-old son, who had struggled with mental illness, took his own life. I'm not sure how it can get any worse than that...but, it has.  Fellow christians...don't miss that fact... fellow christians  have responded...


I don't think most pastors would agree with that statement.  Some like to ask them.  Few like to be asked them.  Pastors, as a whole, are more into making statements than being asked questions.  So, the church becomes a place where you can come with your questions...Just don't ask them.  Sit back and listen and, I'm certain, we'll answer every question you need  an answer to.  Just be patient.  If you don't hear the answer to your question, you can pretty much assume it was unnecessary at best...stupid, at worst. However, the big sign on the front of the Church building should read... QUESTIONS WELCOMED!     The Church's motto should be, THERE REALLY ARE NO STUPID QUESTIONS...REALLY! To make matters worse (or better, based on your perspective), the Church should constantly be asking itself questions.  For instance: * Are we really all about JESUS...him and nothing else but him? *What's running this show...fear or faith? ...