Creatures of Habit

I recently read a report from the Barna Research Institute that totally caught me off guard and blew me away. They predict that 1 out of every 5 churches in America will close permanently over the next 18 months.  There are more than 300,000 Evangelical churches in the U.S. That means that over the next year and a half, 60,000 churches will close their doors and disappear. That's the most frightening thing I have read throughout this entire pandemic. 

So, the obvious question is WHY? 

Well, the answer isn't a simple one, as several components have collided to create this dire prediction. Some of those are...


It's evident that it takes money to run a church and that money comes from the tithes and offerings of its members. Even before the pandemic hit, some churches were struggling financially. With the advent of COVID-19, those struggles have only multiplied. Some churches had no way to receive funding except through in-person, manual giving. With the building closed, many churches had sparse options to bring in funding. The pandemic's economic effects on the job market also exacerbated many churches who were experiencing financial woes.


Before COVID, Americans had begun to show mixed emotions about the value and validity of church attendance. Church-hopping was becoming a more prevalent phenomenon, church membership was declining among younger Americans, and 10% of Americans saw the church as irrelevant. 


As COVID hit America, it possibly took its most significant toll on the church. Few churches stayed open, and those that did were ostracized or became breeding grounds for the virus. Churches adapted well to making Worship Experiences, Life Groups, and ministry opportunities available online. What researchers found is that most Christians made the transition from in-person services to online services well. 

However, it also saw a drop in consistent attendance. Online services could be postponed until a later, more convenient time. Since then, many church members have simply "gotten out of the habit" of attending church in any form, causing a downturn of attendance in general. And, thus, many will be forced to close. 

So, is there anything you can do to make sure that doesn't happen to your church?

I thought you'd never ask! Absolutely, there is. Since we are creatures of habit (it takes 21 days to create a habit or 21 days to destroy one), I'm asking you to develop and commit to 5 HABITS:

1. Create a Sunday morning HABIT. Whether it's in-person or online, pick a service time, and be faithful to every week and be loyal to it...EVERY WEEK. 

2. Create a HABIT for your kids. Use the tools provided for you and your kids to develop good habits regarding your spiritual lives. Keep your kids connected with their leaders from church and their Life Group members. 

3. Create a Group HABIT. Stay connected or get connected with a group of believers, either in-person or online. Find a community that you can be encouraged by, be in the scripture with, pray for, and take Next Steps with weekly. Be responsible for others and have others who are responsible for you.

4. Create the HABIT of praying for your church. If ever the church needs prayer, it is now.

5. Create the HABIT of supporting your church. If everyone supported your church as you do, would they soar or close the doors? The full staff is still working full-time to serve you and our community.  

Times are different, but I hope you come out of this stronger and better-equipped in your faith in Jesus and love for His bride...the Church.  

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