We woke up Sunday morning to have our world rocked once again to another senseless massacre of individuals in the name of something.  We are angry.  We are afraid.  We want action.  We want a place to assign blame.  We want someone to "fix this".

Is there anything that we can learn from this "most recent" bloody reminder of the world we live in?  I would hope so.  Let me suggest a few things that we, especially Christ-followers, should take away.

1.  We should be no less outraged at the loss of life because this happened at a homosexual establishment.  Some of you may wonder why I even mentioned that.  Some of you completely understand.  Some...in the name of God (sadly...very sadly)...would have the audacity to say, "Well, you reap what you sow".  I'm curious...were you saying that after Columbine as well?  How about after the shooting of school children in Sandy Hook?  Same thing?   I think not.

QUICK REMINDER: Every one of those gunned down was created by the same God who created you.  They were loved by the same God who first loved you.  Jesus died for each of them, whether they know it or not.  The fact is, you'll never lock eyes with another individual that God does not love.  Write that down somewhere.  You'll need it more and more in future days.

2.  The answer is not getting rid of all the guns.  Hold on all you 2nd Amendment righters, before you shout "Amen!".  We may not be friends before I'm done.  I may not make a very good conservative...or a very good liberal.  Yes, I'm a strong believer in Americans rights to bear arms.  I want the ability to protect my family, and even myself, if I so decide.  But, let's be reasonable. Is it really necessary for you and I to have the right to purchase assault assault weapons?  I realize that many of you will answer, "Of course....that's my right".  But, how many of you are indeed purchasing them?  Got a stock of them in the bedroom?  Some of you will say yes, but most of you will say no.  But, it seems that some have taken the opportunity.  And, when I say some, I'm including in that group some who are actually mentally ill.  It's this group who's rights we seem to be hell-bent on protecting.  Especially, their rights to purchase fire arms.

My NRA friends, before you blast me off an email, please pause one second.  I do not for one second believe that your intentions are to make it easier for those who are are mentally unbalanced to purchase weapons suited for this kind of destruction.  But, you are.  Please don't confuse me for the Gun Control Lobby, but some common sense needs to save the day.  These are dangerous times and opposing any and all further background checks are only making it more dangerous for your kids and your grandkids.

This young man was deeply disturbed.  He was not just another Muslim extremist.  He was, I believe, most likely, mentally ill, and the last thing he needed was a assault rifle in his hands.  It's time for some give and take from both sides of this argument.

3.  Muslims are not the problem.  Yes, of course Muslim extremism is definitely a big piece of the problem. That goes without saying. But, the problem is much bigger than that.  And, it's not a simple problem.  Oh, that it were that simple.  It's complex and has many moving parts.

*Part of the problem is the devaluing of human life.  A nation that sees no problem with the slaughter of its most innocent citizens in, of all places, its mother's womb, has placed as little value on human life as possible.  We cannot kill our children free of culpability, and then sit in amazement when another child is killed for a pair of Jordans.  We're not victims...we are culprits.  God says life is holy.  It is His and His alone to give and take.  What is not holy is cheap. Until we believe, as a society, in the sanctity of human life...ALL human life...I believe the evening news will become less and less palatable and fear will rule the day.  But, hand-wringing and finger-pointing will yield nothing helpful.  We must value life pragmatically and practically.  Period.

Bad things happen.  We cannot control that.  What we can control is what we learn from them and where we go from here.  We can do better.


  1. I would suggest that we have a President who is not interested in saving our country but has done everything he can to tear it down, weaken it, and demoralize it. He has intentionally bypassed our Constitution because no one will stop him. He is following right down the line the communist doctrine of taking over a country. He has openly made deals with former enemies who STILL want our destruction - Cuba most notably, and yet insulted and turned against our long-time friend Israel and others. We need to address the "elephant in the room" and quit pussyfooting around the real problem.

  2. First of all, if you want to kill someone with a toaster, it becomes an assault toaster. The guns which are typically used in these attacks and are generally the ones everyone wants to ban are NOT assault weapons. Assault weapons are military weapons such as the M-16 which has the ability to fire fully automatic. No civilian is able to purchase or own a weapon like this unless they have a class III dealers license.
    Mentally ill? Yes Muslim extremism is a mental disorder. KHOU said today that he called news 13 to say in fact he was doing this because ISIS called for more "lone wolf" attacks. Doesn't sound mentally ill to me other than his religion teaching to kill infidels.
    Don't get me wrong, i get what you are saying. We all fall short of the glory of God, but I plan to protect my family and anyone who needs me to. I want the best weapon I can legally buy and right now that is an AR-15.


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