Last Sunday, I talked about COMPASSION with our church.  I talked about how we, as a society, have become compassionately-challenged.  Much of our compassion has been reduced to clicks of a mouse at our computer.  “I’m so sorry”.  “I’ll be praying for you”.(whether we do or don’t is another issue…but we mean well)  Or the best one of all, (I say this extremely tongue in cheek) “Let me know if there’s anything I can do”.  Seriously? That’s the best we got?  Sadly, it oftentimes…most times is.

OK, OK, so we agree we’re compassionately-challenged.  In fact, I am the chief of sinners in this particular instance.  So, we’ve taken the first step.  We’ve come out of denial and admitted we have a problem.  Good.  But, that’s not the solution…just the first step to finding a solution. 

I think the problem may go a little deeper.  How about this…What does compassion look like?  I shared an example about heading to a hospital after sharing with God all my reasons…errrr…excuses why I shouldn’t.  That’s great, but compassion is not limited to visiting a guy in the hospital.  It comes in many forms, shapes and sizes. 

For you compassion might mean volunteering in MOVE and being a mentor to a 12-year old who cuts and is bullied at school.  For others, it might mean getting into the system and fostering some unwanted, needy kids, only to fall in love with them and then see them leave you, breaking your heart, but at the same time knowing you made an indelible mark on their lives that will last a lifetime. 

For some of you it will mean picking up the phone or dropping an email to someone who’s gone off the rails spiritually, emotionally or physically.  Someone who used to be your friend till whatever happened, happened.  It’s taking a risk with no guarantee it’s not going to go badly. 

Are you starting to get the picture?  Compassion is RISKY BUSINESS.  Compassion is not for the FAINT OF HEART.  Compassion is totally alien to those who have everythingPLANNED OUT. 

Compassion screws up all your plans.  Compassion makes your neat and tidy life extremely messy.  Compassion is inconvenient.  Compassion doesn’t go on a “To-Do” List or a Day Planner.  Compassion jumps out of the bushes at the most awkward times possible and screams, “I need you NOW!”.  But, it seldom…almost never…screams with an audible voice.  It just screams to your heart. 

Some hearts hear.  Some hearts don’t.  Some hearts have set their default to ignore. 

I think God designed us to be different than that.  I think He made for more than that.  I think He created us to change a messy world.

Get Messy.


  1. My Heart heard your sermon today on your vision for the next generation. I am blessed to have visited and going to enjoy our family becoming new members of your church! God really spoke to me today and soon I will be getting a blessing of money and what I do with that money is what counts! I believe allthough I do not know for sure the settlement and pay out yet exactly but I want to def make a commitment to your church family to help you grow your vision. I actually cried because you know God knew beforehand I would hear this message, even though you may not feel as if you gave a sermon for me I heard God speak through you to me anyways. I am a stay at home mom and a very spiritual Christian. I wonder sometimes and have a hard time because I go through times that I feel as if I have no purpose other than being a mom, I feel like how am I suppose to reach and bring others to Christ? When I stay at home all day. I feel guilty even at times because I feel like maybe I should leave my family but then I remember that must not be what God wants for me, for he has blessed me with family. So what do and can I possibly do. Then the other night my cousin told me just go to church and listen God will tell you what you need to do and hear and you will figure out how to be a part of gods plan for others and yourself. I believe with my whole heart God is calling me to help and commit to giving to your vision. I mean not only about the day care but I know there are many times I need a break or just want to go have fun with my kids, and you have are building something, that will allow me to do that for free while being around others who also believe! I am just very excited and plan to fill out my card as soon as my settlement comes in. I believe God will always meet our needs! And is always In complete Control even when you do not see or understand it. Thanks for reading. And having vision for the future. God really is the God of this City. And of our hearts.

    Cora Lee


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