I spent a half day Monday and a half day Tuesday at a Pastor's Prayer Summit at Camp Pine Cove this week.  Here's what I came away with...

1.  There are 5,000 churches in the Greater Houston area.  Every pastor from every church was invited.  285 came.  Pastor's praying with other pastors for our city is not a big priority.

2.  I met Korean pastors, Nigerian pastors, Vietnamese pastors, Japanese pastors, hispanic pastors, black pastors, urban pastors, suburban pastors, pastors that I had no idea where they came from.  Houston is the most ethnically diverse city in America.  So are it's pastors and churches.

3.  When everyone in the room is seriously worshipping God with every ounce of their being, the Holy Spirit shows up.  It's really not about how good the music is or the song selection.  When people don't care if they like the songs or not and only care about worshipping God through whatever is sung, something big happens.

4.  When God's Spirit comes, everything changes.  What does that mean?  I'm not sure, but the atmosphere of the room is totally transformed.  There is a powerful presence there.  You have no doubt that you are in the presence of a Holy God.

5.  Like the majority of the pastors, I didn't want to go.  I was way too busy.  Only difference is, I went anyway.  My bad attitude was quickly turned 180 degrees.  God likes obedience, even with a bad attitude.  Because, once He gets you where He wants you He can do what He wants to.

6.  When I'm in the presence of God with others singing and powerfully praying, God lets me see things from His perspective...through His eyes.  His view is VERY DIFFERENT from mine.

7.  I think church with a little "c".  God thinks Church with a big "C".

8.  When I think about church right now, I think about how we are growing and people are serving and giving and lives are being changed and we're building a building and times are good.

9.  Jesus prayed that his Church would be one.  He sees a "bride" in pieces.  One who is run by shepherds that don't like each other, don't trust each other, don't pray together, don't root for each other, and oftentimes, see one another as the competition.  Jesus weeps.

10.  I spent most of my time weeping those 2 days.  I hadn't wept in a long time.  At first, I was embarrassed.  Then, it felt good to feel the tears running down my cheeks and dripping off.  I saw the Church (big "C") through the eyes of Jesus.  It breaks his heart.  It finally broke mine too.

11.  I realized Jesus didn't pay the ultimate price to grow my church, but to save a city.  That requires our churches to become His Church.

12.  One more take away: "God doesn't answer prayers.  God answers desperate prayers."  Leonard Ravenhill


  1. Amazing things are happening! Some men from our Bible study went to Catalyst and great things are happening in our lives and those around us. God is great and doing great things and it is catching fire....


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