When dogs give birth, they always give birth to dogs.  Sadly enough, same is true for cats.  Cattle breed more cattle.  Birds breed birds.  This is not a lightbulb moment for you, I'm assuming.  So, what's my point?

What happens in the world of God's creation is also applicable to we humans as well.  Love breeds love.  Compassion breeds compassion.  And generosity breeds generosity.

In late November and early December I challenged Crosspoint Church to outrageous give away $30,000 to a local Non-Profit making a real difference in the lives of those in real need in our community, to adopt 100 families for Christmas and to give away 1,000's of hours of their time to serve others.

The Result:  Crosspoint was up to the challenge and beyond.  Great!  Now what?  What happens when you embrace outrageous generosity?  Well, we're still finding out.  So far, here's what's happened.  The weekly giving of these people didn't go down to finish up the year.  It didn't even remain at the status quo.  It actually went UP...considerably up.  But, maybe that can explained by the end of the year.  You know, getting in those last-minute 2014 donations for tax purposes.

But, what would happen once 2015 rolled around?  Everyone had already given with outrageous generosity.  They'd already doubled their normal giving for the last two weeks of 2014.  Now what?

Well, the first Sunday of 2015 came around and the verdict...the giving TRIPLED!  

So, what's the takeaway?  GENEROSITY BREEDS GENEROSITY.  Just like dogs breed dogs and cats breed cats...generosity breeds generosity.  The more generous you live, the more generous you want to live.  Generosity breeds generosity  Amazing!


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