OK, don't get me wrong.  I'm not one of those Christmas fanatics that has their tree up in October and refuses to take it down till February.  Yeah, you know who you are.  That play Christmas music incessantly in their house, in their cars, in their iPods...EVERYWHERE!  That send out their Christmas cards before it's even December and have every gift wrapped immediately after Black Friday.

I am SOOOOOOOOOO not one of those people.  I actually rebel against most things Christmas.  I go along with the tree and the stockings (that's my favorite part...all those kids and grandkids) and whatever Susan forces me to do.  But, I do so with some sense of rebelliousness.

Why?  Because I truly hate what the world has done to Christmas.  So, as a result, I have a tendency to throw out the baby with the bath.  Guilty as charged.  Don't worry,...I'm not going to kick over you're bigger than life manger scene in your front yard or deflate your Frosty the Snowman giant, glowing, singing blow-up (although, I'd really like to).  I'll just keep my opinions to myself...mostly.

However, there is an aspect of Christmas I like.  (I know, I was shocked too!)  It's the way that most people start thinking about being generous.  How people start being actually concerned about those that are less fortunate than ourselves.  We think about the poor and the hurting and the underprivileged.  My only question is, Why do we wait till Christmas?  Why do we get all happy and generous one month of the year.  And, why don't we make the connection...HAPPY and GENEROUS?  They go together like peanut butter and jelly.  Why do we only connect them when it's Christmas?  Don't we want to be happy 12 months a year?  Wouldn't that be better?  Isn't that the goal?  Are we happy because it's CHRISTMAS or because we're GENEROUS?  Ever think about that one?

Seriously, the great joy...the GREATEST JOY that comes from Christmas is not the trees or the music or the lights or the cookies or even the things we receive (can you tell me what you GOT for Christmas last year?)...it's the joy of giving.  And, if that is true, why aren't we doing it all year long? That's the part of Christmas I wish would stay with us all year long.  So, why not?  Good question.


  1. I have no idea what I got for Christmas last year... Guilty... - James W. Odom


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