This past Tuesday, Crosspoint held its CHRISTMAS @ CROSSPOINT services...three of them, at 4:30, 6:00 & 7:30.  We had a nice crowd at 4:30, and even with childcare for Pre-Schoolers, we had SRO in the next two services.  In all, we had almost 1800 people in attendance that one night.  It was a very, very cool evening.

So, the question that rattles around in my brain is...WHY?  Why did we have 1800 people in attendance on one evening?  We never have 1800 people on any normal Sunday.  Sure, it was Christmas.  But, I don't think 1800 people just showed up on December 23rd at Crosspoint Church because it was Christmas.  Let's face it, December 23rd is not the day people are searching for a church to go celebrate Christmas at.  In fact, I know for certain there were a number of folks not in attendance because of sickness, leaving town early or previous engagements.  So, the question remains...WHY?

So, why the big crowd on a Tuesday night?  I think there can be one explanation and only one.  INVITATIONS.  At Christmastime, people feel much more comfortable inviting others to join them in attending a church service.  I suppose it's a socially-acceptable thing to do...or at least we perceive it that way.  And it works.  Just look at the results.

So, that brings my brain to a second question: It's the old, "WHICH CAME FIRST, THE CHICKEN OR THE EGG?" question.  Or, in this case, "DID THE PEOPLE COME BECAUSE IT WAS CHRISTMAS, OR BECAUSE THEY WERE INVITED?"  That's a pretty important question.  We tend to assume it's because it's Christmas.  But, is that true.  Or, is that simply our assumption.  It's just as likely that they came, not simply because it's Christmas, but because they were invited.  If that's the case, it reveals the power, not just of the season, but the power of the invitation.

So, one more question: WHAT IF WE HARNESSED ALL THAT POWER, NOT JUST AT CHRISTMAS AND EASTER, BUT THROUGHOUT THE YEAR?  In other words, what would happen if we were as militant in our inviting this week and next week and the week after as we were for Christmas?  What would happen to our church?  What would happen to every one of us?  What would happen to our community?  What would the effect be on the Kingdom of God?  How many lives would be changed?  How many marriages would be saved?  How many addicts would be set free?  How many messes would be avoided?  How much hopelessness would be replaced by fearlessness?

WHAT IS THE POWER OF THE INVITATION?  We will never find out until we give it a try.  What if you started today...and tomorrow...and the a day for the next month?  Wanna give it a try?  Who's in?


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