Q:  Why do we ask people to make videos before their baptism?

Another good question.  Most people hate to make videos.  Many years ago a study was done of the greatest fear people face.  #1 Fear: Dying.  Years later, the same study was done, but this time the answer was surprising.  #1 Fear: Speaking in public  Times have changed and fears have changed.  So, the natural question arises, "Why would we make people do the thing they fear the most when they come to Christ and want to be obedient to him in baptism?  Are we just trying to make it as hard as possible on them?  Doesn't that seem to be a little contrary to our purpose?"

So, why do we make people do what they most don't want to do just to get baptized?  I'll try to explain:
1.  First, we don't just sit them in a chair, put the brightest lights possible in their face and say, "OK, roll 'em.  Be good!"  A pastor always sits in with them, asks them questions and they answer him.  If they don't like the answer, they can do it again as many times as they like.  It's just a conversation, you just never see the other person in the conversation.
2.  Everyone has a story of how they came to Christ and this is the very best time to hear it.  Otherwise, it may never be heard.
3.  Every person's story resonates with someone sitting in that auditorium.  That video, ...that story...is the most important thing someone will hear that day.  Far more powerful than any message that I could ever preach.  That person's story relates to someone I never could.
4.  When you make a baptism video you should do so with the express understanding that someone will come to Christ because you were willing to tell your story.  Someone will listen to you and say, "They just read my mail.  They just told my life story.  If God can save them, He can save me.  I want  what they have."

Kind of puts it in a whole new perspective, doesn't it.  I....yes, even I, hate being in front of a camera. Those little 30 second spots I sometimes make usually make me more nervous than 50 messages.  I usually use up about 10 takes just to get it right.  So, I understand why people hate them.  I just hope people love to see people come to Jesus more than they hate making a video.  You'll probably never hear what your video accomplished.  You'll just have to trust me...it did.


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