Q:  Why doesn't Tom preach every Sunday?

Once again, I have to give it to you...you ask good questions.  There are a lot of pastors, I mean a lot, who preach 51 times a year.  They think they have to.  They think they need to.  They think it's their job.  They think they'd be letting their congregation down or shirking their duties or being lazy or...whatever, ...you fill in the blank...that they HAVE to preach every Sunday.

They do so with diligence, a tender heart toward their people and a true desire to be a faithful steward of what God has called them to do...preach.  But, what are the ramifications of that, good motives and all?

*They burn out early
*They see themselves as indispensable
*They sacrifice QUALITY on the altar of QUANTITY
*They never give their people the opportunity to hear another person with another perspective and possibly an important and pertinent message just for them
*They never allow themselves to be fed
*They never develop other communicators other than themselves
*They, unknowingly, see themselves as more important than they really are
*They model an unhealthy lifestyle to their people

I know this, because, for many years I was "it".  Their weren't any other guys to step up and step in and take my place.  I did it all because I had to do it all.

This year I made a commitment to my staff...I would, at least, take one Sunday between series to allow someone else to speak.  I would provide myself some down time to recharge my batteries, as well as hours to be preparing for the next series that I wouldn't have otherwise.  Not only that, but it would provide some much-needed time to attend to some of those other pastoral duties that got pushed to the sidelines for the sake of message preparation.

What's been the hardest part of this?  My ego.  Given the opportunity I'd speak 53 Sundays a year. (yes, I know there are only 52)  That's just me.  But, that's not what's best for me, for Crosspoint or for my staff.

So, you're mostly going to hear from me on Sundays.  However, when you don't, approach it this way:
*This means my pastor can do this longer
*This means my pastor can do this better
*This means my pastor is putting his ego in check
*This means my pastor is not just about being a great communicator, but about training others as well
*This means my pastor believes there are others who have something to say to his people other than himself
*This means my pastor has chosen the wise road over the road he prefers
*This means my pastor is still teachable (old dogs CAN learn new tricks)


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