Q:  Why is our music so loud?

That's another good question, and it doesn't have one simple answer.  However, I'll try to do the best I can to answer to the best of my abilities.  Several factors are at play...

1.  The System.  When we opened our new campus we went from an analog sound system to a digital system.  That's the gold standard in the sound world.  That's great.  Only problem is, we don't have anyone in our church that is trained to run a digital sound system.  THAT'S A PROBLEM.  We've got great servants who are working hard to learn the system, and we've had people come in to provide training for our volunteers.  And, they're doing a great job.  We've learned how to balance the system and bring it down.

2.  Music is loud.  Crosspoint is not a traditional church and we don't have traditional music.  We have rocking, moving contemporary music.  That kind of music is served up loud.  Not eardrum bursting loud, but loud.  Susan and I recently attended a concert at the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion.  It was a lot louder.  I can hear you right now..."Yeah, but that was a rock concert!".  I also went to the Rodeo and stayed for the concert and it was much louder.  "Yeah, but that was Country music!".  OK, been to a Hillsong concert or Jesus Culture or Third Day or even sweet little Kari Jobe?  I could go on and on....  It's all loud.

We don't want to promote permanent hearing loss, but music today is loud.  Bottom line:  If you're looking for some sweet quiet hymns, a nice choir and some handbells....something out of 1965, then there are plenty of those churches on every corner.  Crosspoint's not going to be your church.  But, if you want something that's cutting edge, heart-pumping and celebrates Jesus in a loud way, you're gonna love it here!


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