Yesterday at Crosspoint Church we celebrated baptism.  It's not as though we never do it.  We celebrate those who've chosen to follow Christ and "Go Public" with their faith every month.
     But, this time was different.  We did it outside.  We did it in two pools we had set up right outside our auditorium.  We encouraged everyone who had made a commitment to Christ, but had never been obedient in baptism, to do so.
     People came ready to "Go Public".  But, then, I asked others to join them.  Those who wanted to follow Christ.  To decide right then...that day...in that moment... to follow Christ and be baptized.  Just like the Ethiopian Eunuch who wanted to follow Christ and be baptized as a expression of his commitment to Jesus.  Phillip told him, "Here's some water.  What's keeping you from doing it now?"    I asked them the same thing that day.
     And they did.  Some who had planned to.  Some who hadn't.  31 people who had no plans to follow Christ that day, did.  Some who had never been to Crosspoint Church before yesterday.  Some who'd never been to church before anywhere.  Husbands with their wives.  Fathers with their children.  86 people all together.
      I prayed and asked God if He could do a miracle and bring 50 people to follow Christ in baptism that day.  He said, "No".  He's bigger.  He had bigger plans.  He had plans for 86.  86 people will never be the same.  86 people followed Christ and "Went Public" with their faith.
     There were 1200 people watching them.  They'll never be the same either.


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