
Q:  Do you have any advice for a marriage separated by distance (military deployment)?

A:  I have to admit, this is not anything that I have experienced personally.  However, in talking with Susan, she reminded me of times I was out of the country doing mission work which, although not nearly as dangerous as your situation, was still in the realm of the unknown, and caused her some trepidation.

Some things that we tried and also some suggestions for you that you might find helpful:
1.  Find a daily devotional that both of you can use, so that you are reading the same thing each day and praying for the same things each day.  This can be so very beneficial in that it keeps you both on the same page spiritually.
2.  When you have an opportunity to communicate, be sure to share what God is teaching you, in general, but especially, in regard to your devotional studies.
3.  Share prayers, prayer requests and answered prayers with one another.  If possible, keep a prayer journal, to help you remember what God is doing and be able to share it.
4.  Possibly, acquire accountability partners...a guy for him, a girl for you, where you are.  Ask them to ask you the tough questions that your spouse would if they were here.

Being apart is hard...I can't even imagine.  But, there are some things you can do to help.  The best thing is that you already have realized that, and that's half the battle!


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