I have to admit, I was a little excited when they told me we were getting our clothes back yesterday.  When the fire happened, we were told to pull out "emergency clothes", and the rest would come later.  What does "emergency clothes" sound like to you?  A few days?  A week, maybe?  I had no idea that it would mean a month.  I've worn the same pair of shoes every day since the towering inferno.  My wardrobe was a bit repetitious as well.  So, needless to say, I was happy at the thought of wearing different shoes today.

One thing I wasn't prepared for.  As the gentlemen brought the stacks of hanging clothes up the stairs, I felt like it was a scene out of Jesus' feeding the 5,000.  Our clothes were the stand-ins for the loaves and fishes.  They just kept coming and coming and coming...  I'm pretty sure there were numerous basketfuls left over.  WAY over!

My emotions went from joy to total embarrassment.  We have too many clothes.  As I hung them up, I said to myself, "Half of these are gone".  There were things there that, for the life of me, I didn't know I owned...that I hadn't seen in years...that I didn't want to see, ever.

I realized in that moment, I am a typical American.  A consumer.  A collector.  A hoarder.  No, not like on the TV show.  But, a hoarder, just the same.

If you need something, sizes L & XL, let me know.  I need to share.  I need to simplify.  These things need to get worn, and there's only one of me.

These are, hopefully, the confessions of an ex-hoarder with too much stuff made evident by a tiny closet.  That's what it took to open my eyes and, hopefully, change my heart.


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