My wife has...had...this sign in our kitchen for everyone to read every day.  It simply said...SIMPLIFY.    I'm not certain what she had in mind by that, but in the last week we've gone from ...
*2800 square feet of living space to 1200
*Several sets of dishes, and silverware to 4 cups, 4 plates, 4 bowls, 4 spoons, 4 forks, 4 knives, etc.
*A huge closet that would barely contain all our clothes to 3 pairs of jeans, 6 or 7 shirts, 2 pairs of
  shoes, socks and underwear
*The furnishing we've accumulated over a lifetime to some rented stuff
*Downstairs and upstairs to just upstairs

I could go on, but you get the picture.  I'm not sure if that was her idea of simplifying, but we've SIMPLIFIED.  Not by choice, but success none the less.

The lesson?  Life is all about PERSPECTIVE.  We don't see ourselves as going "down" from all we had.  We see it as moving "up" from the Holiday Inn to a place of permanence.  A KITCHEN!  A REFRIGERATOR!  A COUCH!  Nirvana!!!!!

In our case, we had everything taken away in order to see that there is great joy in little.  Hopefully, you'll just trust me and believe me and find joy in little and skip the blazing inferno.

The word for today:  SIMPLIFY


  1. You have such a refreshing outlook on the entire situation. I know that God is very pleased with you and Susan for your obedience to him and your trust in his plan with cheerful hearts.

    Remember, we're just a few buildings away! Don't hesitate to call on us for anything that you need. Maybe we could do dinner one night!


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