Susan & I just returned from a week off.  We ventured into the Great Smokey Mountains and then a few days in Nashville.  We saw some of God's "showing off" with a beautiful part of this world, had a little adventure white-water rafting and visited a city we'd only heard about.  We VACATED & RECREATED.

Sometimes we miss the necessity of those two things.  Sometimes, you just need to "get out of Dodge".  I think that's even more important for a pastor.  I find as long as I can be found, work will find me.  I got lots of emails and texts telling about situations and what I needed to do while I was gone.  Everyone's expectations.  But, "I'm in Tennessee" got me off the hook.  It's necessary to get away physically, emotionally and mentally.

But, we didn't just get away...we played.  We recreated.  We hiked, we rafted, we explored, we enjoyed beauty, we re-connected with one another and did things outside the norm.  Recreation.  We overuse that word without realizing what we're saying.  We "re-created" ourselves.  God created us.  But, the world tears us apart.  Sometimes, we need the creative process in our lives all over again.

I believe that was God's idea when he set up the Sabbath...a day of re-creation on a weekly basis.  But, sometimes we need an extended stay for the re-creation process to be fulfilled.  I hope you take advantage of that opportunity this summer and come back re-charged, re-juvenated and ready to go.


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