I had a conversation with someone yesterday and I had to be "that guy".  You know, the guy who deals in the realm of stark reality.  The guy who says, "That sounds good but it won't work.  It doesn't add up".  

I think sometimes as Christ-followers, we decide that guy is the "Anti-Christ".  Following God is about just hearing whatever we think we hear, dreaming whatever we want to dream and going for it...full steam ahead, damn the torpedoes, don't look back, don't let anyone distract you, don't let anyone steal your joy....etc.

But then, there's this little book called Proverbs.  It's written by this guy who was told by God he could ask for anything, and he asked for wisdom.  Pretty clever.  Pretty wise.  

He says things like "there is wisdom in a multitude of counselors".  There's a prevailing theme throughout the book that says "get counsel...get wise counsel...get a multitude of counselors...".

Elsewhere we find that, "We make OUR plans, but God DIRECTS our steps".  Jesus himself even said, "No one builds a building without first counting the cost....or goes to war without first making sure he can win".  You gotta have "that guy".  In fact, you need to become "that guy".

Faith is not a leap into the dark. It is taking one well-lit step, not knowing exactly what the next step will be, but having the assurance that the first-step was well-lit and made plain, practical and obvious by God and trusting that there will be a second well-lit step to follow.  And until there is, we just stand still.

The world's motto is, "Don't just stand there, do something".  God's Word says, "Don't just do something, stand there".  "Be still and know that I am God".


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