Biblical language can sometimes be confusing.  Jesus and Paul both talked about people who were "asleep", but neither was talking about sleeping.  It was the first century way of referring to death.  They weren't just sleeping, they were SLEEPING!

Have you noticed how pop culture seems to go from one thing to the next.  One minute everyone's a vampire.  Then, vampires are yesterday's news and zombies are the new cool thing.  Zombies are the new cool thing. However, they are not new, by any means.  (See Night of the Living Dead)  I guess interest in zombies runs hot and cold.  Today, they're hot.  Tomorrow, who knows.

Culture aside, the zombie problem has been around longer than any of us realize.  This Living Dead idea is not only a Hollywood phenomenon, it's a biblical reality.  God's Word proclaims the fact that all those around us who are without Christ are dead men.  Literally, spiritually dead.  They walk.  They talk.  They look perfectly normal. (I think the fact that none of their body parts are falling off and none of their flesh is rotting throws us off)  But, God's Word is perfectly clear...they are DEAD.  SPIRITUAL ZOMBIES.  Living right next door, or working in your office or sleeping right down the hall or even in the same bed as you.  SPIRITUAL ZOMBIES.  

Probably not something you give much thought to.  We'd rather watch the latest Zombie movie or catch an episode of the new Zombie series than wrestle with the idea of this being a real condition.  ESPECIALLY, when the same Word reveals to us that we have been trusted with the antidote that brings these Zombies back to life....not just life, but abundant life.

So what's the problem?  We're not sleeping dead...we're just sleeping duds.  We need to WAKE UP!  We need to start seeing these people as WALKING DEAD, not just WALKING WEIRDOS or WALKING JERKS or WALKING PROBLEMS or WALKING ____________ (you fill-in the blank with your favorite brand of disgust).  They just need to be alive.  And God has commissioned you and I to wake them up, give them life and set them free.

Before you go and volunteer to drive a stake into their hearts (although, in some cases that may seem to be the most logical scenario and quickest fix), you need to know what they need is not a stake to the heart, but a cross.  Not driven with a hammer, but with love and truth and the power of God.

But, Step One is, WE have to wake up.  Me and you.  We have to realize we are surrounded by the spiritually dead and we have the antidote.  We have to WAKE UP and SPEAK UP, or be satisfied to live in a world of spiritual zombies for the rest of our days.  

You're right.  Somebody oughta do something about this situation...and that somebody is YOU!


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