What's a narcissist?  Sounds bad, doesn't it?  It is.  Let me give you the simple nickel definition: It's a person that's totally in love with themselves.  Yep, you were right.  It's bad.  It comes to us from Greek mythology, where a guy named Narcissus was bending over a pond and saw his reflection and thought, "Wow, that's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!".  You get the idea.

So, why do I bring it up?  Well, because I believe the whole concept is one we battle against on a continuous basis.  If you're like me, there are some names and faces floating through your mind right now.  Pretty sure yours isn't one of them....but, you can think of a few without much trouble.

Here's one for you:  Christian Narcissists.  Isn't that an oxymoron?  Can you be a Christian (totally in love with Jesus and those he died for), and a Narcissist (totally in love with all things ME)?

Well, let's see.  Jesus gave us some very real orders before he left Planet Earth...Go...Tell...Teach...Love...Reach.  He basically turned over the reigns to us.  He said, "the Church is do exactly what you saw me like I loved, lay down your life to reach anyone and everyone who is far from God.  Do whatever it takes."

How we doing with that?  How's that working for us?  Honestly, not so good.  Most churches are in decline in the US.  Many will close their doors this year.  More are going unreached than are being reached.  But, why?  Because we don't care?  Because we don't believe correctly?  Because our theology is bad?  Because our strategies are poor?

No, we pray for the lost, study the Word, reach out, strategize, etc.  So, what's the problem?  Well, to borrow a phrase, You might be a Christian Narcissist if...You really want to reach the lost, but...
     *You don't want to hear secular songs on Sunday morning
     *You don't want to have to park far from the building
     *You really want to be fed deeper messages
     *You don't want to sit in another place or attend another service
     *You demand more hymns
     *You're not going to put up with homosexuals attending your church
     *You don't like the pastor wearing jeans on Sunday morning
     *You don't think someone should be allowed to bring a donut into the auditorium
     *You think the music is too loud

I know, I know, you really want to reach the lost, but, you really want church to be all about you.  Face it, you just might be a Christian Narcissist.  Sound bad?  It is.  But, you'll have company.  Just read anything that mentions Pharisees in the New Testament.  You'll get along well.


  1. I agree. It can go the other way too. If you can't do another hymn because the church needs to "get with the times." I think sometimes in this country we have so many choices we are too picky. I'm guilty of it myself. I don't like the length/song choices/worship style so I will try this church...but wait, the pastor talks too long so let's go to that church...but wait I didn't think the lesson really applied to me...and on and on. We are spoiled.

  2. "What Type of Ship is Your Church?"
    That's what I always think of when this topic arises.


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