Are you a project person?  I know guys who build boats in their backyards and airplanes in their garages.  I know women who always have a project going, whether its painting the Living Room a new shade of whatever, to making new curtains for the Bedroom to refinishing that piece of furniture that's was sitting by the side of the road.

You can fill in your own story.  Some people thrive on projects.  Some people just married people who thrive on them, and thus, get sucked in.  Some people actually need them, or else they would never get anything done.

My son was recently talking about a guy he knows and likes, but who is extremely antagonistic to organized religion, and thus, to Christ and His Church.  They've developed a friendship and enjoy spending time together, so rather than being turned off by his anti-Christian rants, or just changing the subject to save the friendship, he's made this guy his Project.

He purposely spends time with him, listens to his objections, often agrees with them, offers another side of things, draws lines of demarkation between religion and a relationship with Christ...but, mostly, just loves the guy and doesn't run away when the subject of faith comes up.

That's the kind of Project every believer needs.  Can you imagine if every Christ-follower had just 1 Project person in their life intentionally.  Just to love them and show them Christ and offer perspectives they may never have considered, but most of all, just hang in there when running in the other direction seems a lot simpler.

Here's a challenge for you:  Intentionally take on an Easter Project...a person you know, and hopefully even like, but who is lost.  If you don't know any lost people, then you need to get busy and find one.  They're your kid's school, at the gym, at the grocery store, on your block, in your classroom...everywhere.

Your Project:  Hang out with them.  Talk to them.  Play golf with them.  Have a Play Date with your kids.  Be to them what Jesus would be if He was here in the flesh.

Your Goal:  Get them to church this Easter.  It's the easiest invite ever.  It's just a one-shot thing.  No long-term commitment.  One hour...One day...One time.  Can you handle that?  I'll be asking you.  This will be our secret.  You don't say, "Hey, you're my Easter Project".  I assumed you knew that, but I try to never assume.  If you like, shoot me their name and I'll pray for both of you.  (  This could be fun...and life-changing!


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