I thought that title might get your attention.  Bill Hybels once said, "There are three topics I can preach on that I'm guaranteed will draw a crowd...Sex, End Times and will there be sex in the End Times?".  That little three-letter word packs a wallop.  It turns some heads, grabs some people's attention, makes a few really squeamish, but seldom has no response at all.  SEX gets your attention.

The power of sex cannot be overstated.  Recently, I have been reading some statistics regarding sex and  our sexual activity in the U.S.  They are amazing, eye-opening and disgusting, all at the same time.  The Church points to culture, pointing a harsh finger, but there are a few fingers that need to be pointed back at the church.  By either our silence on the subject, or our party-line of "Just Don't Do It!", we are complicit with the magnitude of the mess.

Someone once said, "Every bad thing is a good thing perverted".  That was never more true than in the area of human sexuality.

Let me unpack some of the damage that is being done, two of the biggest lies our society is falling for that have had the biggest negative impact on people's ability to lead healthy, happy, fulfilled lives...and how God's Word offers practical help to expose the darkness to the light and give help and hope to your life, your marriage and your home.

Join us this Sunday as we continue, LOVE, SEX & HAPPILY EVER AFTER... with The Big Lie.


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