We like to think of ourselves as a Christian nation, even though our President likes to go abroad and announce to the world that we aren't.  However, a recent study may lend credence to such a pronouncement.

For years, Gallup polls have indicated that about 40% of the American populace attend a Christian Church on a regular basis.   A new study, done by the Director of Church Planting for the Evangelical Covenant Church indicates that on any given Sunday the percentage of Americans in a Christian Church is actually closer to 20%.  Taking into consideration population growth patterns and declining Church attendance trends, the study estimates that if projections continue on this track, that by 2050, only about 12% of Americans will attend a Christian Church on any given Sunday.

Those statistics are sobering.  So, we ask the logical question, "Why?".  One answer may be helpful.  The oldest churches and denominations have shown the greatest decline.  In essence, they have failed to adjust to a generation who wants less liturgy and more relationship with Christ.  The Church in America, for the most part, has failed to be relevant to a people who demand relevance.  And, sadly enough, the Bible...the book God has given us to guide us and to be our NorthStar is unbelievably relevant.

What should we draw from this study?

1.  America is a great Mission Field.  What Jesus said has never been more true for us, "..the fields are white for harvest.  Ask the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into the fields".  (that's you and me)

2.  If we can't find lost or unchurched people in our lives, we're just not trying.  We need to venture outside our little Christian cocoons.

3. As busy as Americans are with everything they deem necessary, they are jettisoning everything they deem unnecessary.  The Church must make itself, not only relevant, but essential.

4.  We have to be the Church 24/7.  If the world doesn't see a difference in us, they will have no desire to be a part of something that only matter one hour a week.

So, go and BE the Church today...and tomorrow.  BE the difference.


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