One of the ways our government is considering dealing with the financial hole we have dug for our selves into is to limit the tax deduction for our charitable donations.  If I thought this was being done to do something about our National Debt, I might, at least, have some sort of compulsion to try and understand.  But, it's not.  It's simply a means to raise revenues (that's the new code word for taxes) to fund the enormous programs that the administration outlined this week.

Of all the things to stick a fork into, why would we choose the one good thing Americans do...give generously to charities.  Isn't that behavior we would want to reward, not punish?  In a recent article, it was summed up like this...

Results of a recent national study conducted by Dunham and Company show that the American public are strongly against the proposed cap on charitable deductions. Sixty-one percent of Americans polled feel strongly against capping current tax reductions. Nine percent strongly disagree. Only 20 percent believe such caps will help America's national debt.
The House of Representatives is set to discuss such a cap this week. President and CEO of Dunham and Company Rick Dunham said that, "regardless of household income, education, age, race, or gender, Americans do not want the deduction to be hurt in any way as Congress and the administration debate how best to deal with our national budget crisis."
Executive editor of The Christian Post called the proposed cap "a dagger aimed at the heart of America's charities."
"All Americans concerned about the enormous danger that would be done by such a reckless and short-sighted policy should take time from their holiday activities to contact their elected representatives in Washington and tell them to cease and desist from such malignant foolishness,"
wrote Land in December.

I believe that if this is not stopped at this point, in the future the only charity Americans will be able to fund is the Federal Government.  I think a few calls are in order.  Speak now..of forever hold your regrets.


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