Yesterday, I told you the things I'm going to stop doing in 2013.  The last thing I noted was that today I would share with you the WHY behind the WHAT.  The rationale behind my decisions to stop some things is not based on the fact that I just want to do less...sit around and eat bon-bons and watch everyone else work around me.  It's based on the fact that I believe I have elevated the URGENT above the IMPORTANT.  That, in some ways, I have become like the display at the Texas State Fair many years ago, with bells and whistles and belts and pulleys and gears, etc.  It ran like a top.  But it also had a sign posted beneath it that read, Doesn't Do Anything, But Doesn't It Run Well.  

Oftentimes, I feel like that sign should be posted front and center on my desk.  But, that's still no answer for the "TO-DON'T" List.  My reasoning has nothing to do with a desire to stop doing anything (I actually REALLY enjoy everyone of the things that I listed yesterday), but, rather, a sense of calling and urgency to DO more of other things.  Here's what I feel is the IMPORTANT rather than the URGENT that demands more of my time and my attention:

1.  To PREACH MORE.  Some of you may be asking, "Don't you preach a lot already?".  Yes, I do. But, I've also taken big chunks of time away from the platform in order to try to plan and organize for future message series.  I'll still take time off, but not in huge chunks.  This is my love, my calling and my element.  I desire to do more.

2.  To WRITE MORE.  I believe this is an area where God has gifted me and something that I love.  But, it has been relegated to quick posts and has become something I dread more than love, simply because it's one more thing on the proverbial list...an ever-increasing, ever-consuming list that consumes my days and makes me look for anything to cut out.  Writing usually ends up on the Cutting Room floor.

3.  To READ MORE.  Reading has gone the way of writing.  I do what I can and what I must.  Reading for enjoyment and personal growth is limited or nonexistent, except for the assigned books that the staff reads and discusses together.  I want to read more.  I need to read more.

4.  To PRAY MORE.  I spend time with God daily.  I want to spend more.  I want my life, my ministry and my church to be totally God-driven and God-powered, not Tom-powered.  The only way to do that is to spend more quantity and quality time with God.  We need more than moments...we need conversations.  We sometimes need days set aside for nothing but me speaking to and listening for God.    Whole days.

5.  To SPEND MORE TIME WITH MORE LOST PEOPLE.  Not sure where, when or how, but I know it's a must and it takes time.

6.  To EXERCISE WITH IMPUNITY.  I need to be able to schedule time at the gym or on the bike or running bleachers...whatever...and not feel guilty about it.  It's part of what's required to keep me going, keep me sharp and keep me healthy.  Plus, it allows me to be a proper example to my church.  My body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit.  I need to treat it as such.

Why is a TO-DON'T LIST so important?  Because it makes the IMPORTANT STUFF POSSIBLE.  I invite you to join me.


  1. Good stuff...I always look forward to your bloc!
    Amy Wimberly


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