I mentioned some time back that I was really convicted to have a "TO-DON'T" LIST this year.  I am famous (or infamous) for my "TO-DO" Lists.  But, at some point, it becomes apparent that the only way to continue adding things to your list of "DO'S" is to scratch off some things and label them "DON'TS".

The main reasons I haven't done this already have already been discussed.  Basically, I want to be SUPER-PASTOR, I fear disappointing anyone, and I feel guilty ever saying "no" to anyone or any thing (that's pathological and has devastating results).

In other words, every "good" thing I say yes to, means there is a corresponding "great" thing that I say "no" to.  So, with great fear and trembling and knots in my stomach, I present to you my list of things I feel I must stop doing.

1)  COUNSELING.  Does that mean I'll never sit and listen to anyone and provide counsel for them?  Not at all.  But, I can no longer be the "first-responder".  God has given us a tremendous staff.  All of them have tremendous compassionate hearts and insightful wisdom.  Some have more experience in counseling than I do.  Most are better counselors than I am.  If I'm needed, I'm there.  If not, there are great people to give more time and better insight than myself.  That includes Pre-Marital Counseling.  Does that mean I will no longer perform weddings?  NO.  I still plan to do those when asked.  But, the prep work goes to others.

2)  HOSPITAL VISITATION.  So, I'm never doing this?  No, I didn't say that.  According to those who know these things, a human is able to handle about 60 people in their span of care.  Jesus basically handled about 12.  Go figure.  Again, I have great LifeGroup leaders that provide care for their small group and a great staff that can be on the spot and provide great pastoral care.  Not only that, but they communicate with me the status of every situation, how I should pray and when I should be present.  In other words, if I come to see you in the hospital, you may be worse than you think. (just kidding...sorta)

3) TV.  No, I'm not going to stop watching TV altogether.  It's just that I have a bad habit of turning it on (for no reason) and leaving it on (for less reason).  Sometimes I watch junk, because junk is all that's on.  I will be selective.  Turn it on when there's something worth my attention.  Off when there is not.

4)  SKIPPING A SABBATH.  God has made it clear that man has 6 days to work and needs one day devoted to anything but his job.  For most people that day is Sunday.  I work Sundays through Thursday.  So, to be obedient to God and to keep myself healthy, refreshed and in this for the long-haul, I need to take a Sabbath every week.  That means every week, without exception, there needs to be one day I do no pastoring, no studying, no counseling, no anything-associated-with-the-church.  The SUPER-PASTOR mentality has caught up with me more than once.  In order to do this for another 20 years, in order to not make the church my mistress, and in order to be healthy in mind and body, I will observe a Sabbath, just like God commanded.

So, WHY AM I DOING ALL THIS?  I'll tell you that tomorrow!


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