This is something I've never learned.  I took naps when I was a baby, so I'm told.  Since then, not a napper.  Even when I've decided it sounds like a good idea, I just lay there with my eyes shut for a long time, then get up and think to myself, "I just wasted 30 minutes of my lifetime that I'll never get back".  Bummer.

So, if I go to sleep during the daylight hours, there's got to be something terribly wrong.  Even then, I tend to fight it.  Seems like such a waste of time.  There's so many things I could be doing.  So much productivity I'm missing out on.  I think I even feel guilty when I even think about it.  I need to be working.  I need to be producing.  I need to be doing.  Yep, I've drank the Kool-Aid.  I'm a Human Doing rather than a Human Being.

I've been sick, and after many attempts to deny and postpone the obvious, I succumbed to slumber.  Yep, right there in the middle of the day...while the Sun was shining.  I did no work.  I had nothing to show for 2 hours of my life but a little drool in the corner of my mouth.  It may have been the wisest decision I've made in months...maybe years.

Why?  I listened to my body.  It needed rest.  It was telling me that, loud and clear.  But, my ego said otherwise.  I listened to my body and submitted to it's needs, desires, demands.  I'm the better for it today.

I know you couldn't care less whether I take a nap.  So, what's my point?  My point is this: I believe that listening to our bodies is a lot like listening to God.  There was no audible voice.  I didn't read it in the Body Manual.  I even argued with it.  But, there was a nagging sense that this was what I needed to do.  It cut against the grain of what I thought I should be doing.  What my flesh (not my body, my flesh, my stupid nature, my sin nature, my ego) was telling me was that I needed to work...just power on a't be a sissy.  My body was saying, "Hey idiot, if you ever want to get well, STOP...SLEEP...REST!"  

My body was right.  I listened.  (miracle!)  And today, I'm better.  When we listen to God and obey, it's always better.  We're always better.  But, there's always a fight.  I guess that's why they call it SURRENDER.


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