Numbers are funny things.  I'm more of a word guy than a numbers guy.  At elder's meetings, when they pull out the Financial Reports, I pretend to understand, care and pay attention.  Sometimes I pretend to be in prayer mode.  It's just that my eyes are rolling back in their sockets and I don't want anyone to notice.

What's amazing to me are the numbers we (I) choose to focus on.  For example, Numbers from this weekend:

Super Bowl Bash:  575 men

Sunday Attendance:  1087

Baptisms:  5

New Members:  30

Giving;  $ 21,715.78

Lots of numbers there.  Lots of really good numbers.  Lots of numbers to celebrate, be excited about, praise God for, high-five all around the room for.  But, those aren't the numbers I'm staring at.  Maybe I'm just a Negative Nellie, a Debbie Downer.  Maybe just the eternal pessimist.  A cup half-empty with a small leak and fear of evaporation guy.  Wow, that sounds bad!

Of all the numbers listed there that are shout from the rooftop numbers, I can't get past the fact that I've been preaching my guts out on getting BALANCE in our personal finances, and the fact that this HAS to start with God's Lordship over our finances and that His portion should come first....only to see attendance go up and giving go down.

This is my blog.  This is not a devotional.  It's not where I write to feed you or encourage you or teach you.  It's where I write.  Sometimes my joys.  Sometimes my failures.  Sometimes my frustrations.  Today is the latter.

When you commit your entire life to see people find God and grow in that relationship and in faith and they don't it is always frustrating.

So, now you know.  I'm just a guy.  A guy who loves God and wants others to experience all that He has.  When people settle for less than that I get frustrated.  I'm just a guy.  A guy who trusts God fully (most times) and wants others to experience the joy of that.  I pray you don't miss it.


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