LIFE PLAN FOR 2013, Pt. 4

Today we add another step in the process…Accountability
If you want to see your goals become reality, you need to build a system of accountability into your plan. If you are confident you want to complete the detailed goals you’ve set, and you believe the action plan you have written will help you meet them, then you must find a way to hold yourself accountable to completing the action steps.
You’ll need to add accountability you are comfortable with and makes sense for your goals and action steps, but here are some suggestions to consider:
  • Put action items on your calendar for the next year….I have some items that repeat throughout the year.
  • Print your life plan and share it with someone….give them permission to check in with you throughout the year.
  • Find a partner…this is especially helpful when exercising or in weight loss. (This is what makes Weight Watchers successful.)  It is impossible to overstate how important this step is.  
  • Use an application/program, to schedule tasks and set alarms to remind you of your action steps
  • Comment on this post with your plan, or post it on your own blog…there’s something about going public that builds a stronger desire for completion
  • If you want to be successful, you have got to give someone the right and the responsibility to butt into your life, call you on the carpet, ask you the tough questions and tell you what you need to hear, even when you least want to hear it.  No accountability=Certain failure.
The key here is to build a system that will hold you accountable to completion of your goals. As you repeat the actions and see results towards your goals, you will develop habits in these areas and in the process of doing so you'll find you are completing more of your goals.

Let's be honest and face the facts...most of your goals are things you've wanted to accomplish for years, but you never have.  What gives you reason to think this year will be any different?  There WILL come a time when you fail.  There will come a time when your desire to see these things happen is less than your desire to quit and throw in the towel.  What will make success possible then?  ACCOUNTABILITY.  The fact you know someone lovingly and firmly will say and do just what you've assigned them to do.  Without this piece of the puzzle, it's just that...a Puzzle.


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