DRIFT, Pt. 2

Yesterday, we talked about DRIFT, how it happens without us being aware of it.  We don't notice it, and suddenly, we find ourselves somewhere we never intended to be, totally unaware of how we managed to get there.

So, if these currents that want to slowly take us far away from where we thought we were and intended to be are invisible...beneath the surface...if we don't know when we're drifting until it's too late...then what do we do?  How can we combat an invisible foe?

Here's some suggestions:

1.  Have a REFERENCE POINT:  If you were off shore in the Gulf, you might have a landmark of a house that would mark where you started out and where you should be.  In every area of our lives we need these landmarks, these reference points.  In our marriage, it may be our communication, our intimacy, the priority we put on time together.  In our spiritual life, it might be the regularity of the time we spend in God's Word, the regularity and depth of our prayer life or the joy and consistency of serving Him in new ways.  With our health it may be as simple as stepping on the scales on a regular basis.  Or how many times each week we have exercised.  Or look back at our diet for the week.

Whatever area you are concerned about, there should be some markers that you can look at and say, "That's where I am now".

2.  Pay ATTENTION:  Drift happens for that very reason...we're not paying attention.  We get busy with the busyness of life and don't pay attention to the things that matter.  We're too busy being busy to ask ourselves the hard questions or take the time to pay attention to the reference points of our lives.  We ASSUME that everything will just stay the same in the pillars of our lives.  But, that's where we are totally wrong.  Nothing living stays the same.  Nothing living stays alive without attention.  It must be fed.  It must be nourished.  It must have time and attention, or it begins to slowly die.  That's the catch...slowly.  Sometimes so slowly that is is undetectable to the naked eye.

Whenever we assume we can just put it on auto-pilot and forget it, we're taken a much bigger step than any of us realize.  That has opened the door to drift.  That can become the beginning of the end.

3.  Make CONSTANT CORRECTIONS:  When you see that your reference point has moved up the shoreline (actually, it didn't move...you did) NOW is the time to take action.  If your daily time with God had become a little sporadic, say 5 out of 7 days, instead of what used to be 7 out of 7, it would be so easy to just say, "That's not so bad.  We still talk.  I'm doing better than most."  And that would be true...but that's not the point.  You've identified DRIFT.  And once DRIFT starts, it doesn't stop.

If your HEALTH has drifted, if your MARRIAGE has drifted, if your FINANCES have drifted....the worst thing you can possibly do is to ignore it.  It's not about HOW FAR YOU'VE GONE, it's about the DIRECTION YOU'RE HEADED.  Once drift starts, it doesn't stop.  It requires constant course corrections.

DRIFT happens.  (should be a bumper sticker) But, we're not powerless against it.  Rather than being the victim who says, I just have no idea how we got to this place, set your REFERENCE POINTS, pay ATTENTION, and make CONSTANT CORRECTIONS.  You can defeat drift.


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