Yesterday was Inauguration Day.  Our country inaugurated President Barack Obama for his second term of office in the highest position in the land.  I find it interesting that our first African-American president is inaugurated for his second term of office as President of the United States on the same day we honor Dr. Martin Luther King.  Most would think how appropriate it is that history has blessed us with honoring these two men on the same day.  Dr. King fought, and even gave his life for equal rights for men and women of all colors.  And, on the day we honor him, we celebrate our first African-American President.  The stars have aligned.

May I offer a different view?  While I believe Dr. King, like myself, is proud that his nation has come to the place where a black man can be elected to the highest office of leadership possible, I believe that these two men could not be more different.

Our President, who I honor as my President and the leader of our country, believes that government should play an ever-increasing role in providing for the needs of its constituents.  That the populace should look more and more to the government for its sustenance.  More dependence on the government is a good thing.

Dr. King, on the other hand, believed in independence and taking personal responsibility for ones self and ones family.  He preached hard work, personal responsibility and looking to no one but ones self for provision.  In one famous speech, Dr. King said, "Even if it falls your lot to be a street sweeper, go on out and sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures; sweep streets like Handel and Beethoven composed music; sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry…"

I see quite a contradiction in Dr. King's philosophy and President Obama's.  President Obama has taught our nation that if things aren't going well and you feel you need something, look to the government.  Dr. King would have said, "Look in the mirror".


  1. I couldn't agree more with both you and Dr. King. Our president should consider it an honor to have been inagurated on MLK day. God Bless the USA! Thanks for your daily blog! I look forward to it...
    Amy Wimberly


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