I read this, and thought it was a wonderfully honest and insightful look inside a pastor's head (scary, right), and thought I'd share it:

These are their top responses:

1. To Protect my Family.

Sometimes, the pastor’s family will sacrifice in ways that make the pastor want to give it up for an easier or, frankly, more lucrative job. One pastor, discouraged by his young church’s inability to pay him a decent salary, responded that he feels like he is being a “terrible provider.”

Another friend who has moved into a difficult neighborhood to be an incarnational presence there cited drug dealers in his neighborhood as a reason he’s wanted to quit.
Difficult days can make you question your call to take the Gospel to the hard places.

2. Criticism.

Often, pastors feel attacked on all sides.
One friend of mine replied to my question with simply the words “sinful criticism,” which he later described as “criticism that is nit-picky and comes from a consumeristic church culture.”

3. The Hard Work of Shepherding.

For one church planter, it was the difficult realization that after you “launch” the church, you have to actually pastor people.
His response: "Coming to the reality we can’t just make cool websites, network in the community and launch a church. We actually have to do the hard work of shepherding."

4. Restlessness.

Some of the time, the issue is simply that entrepreneurial church-planting pastors have a hard time staying in one place for very long.
"Restlessness and feeling a desire for another city," was one pastor’s response to my question.

5. Coveting Others’ Gifts.

Even though only a small percentage of the churches in the world see rapid numeric growth, it is these stories of fast-growing churches that get promoted the most in the church world.
Add to this, because of the connectivity of the Internet, that everyone has access to the most gifted preachers and teachers around.
One pastor named his struggle for what it is: "coveting others’ gifts, leadership, fruitfulness."
If you are a "normal" pastor of a "normal" church, this can lead to great discouragement. It can cause you to question if you alone are struggling with difficult people or a difficult context.
One pastor responded (ironically, via Twitter) to my question on what’s made him want to quit recently: "Twitter. Following people who always seem to have the momentum and success and few struggles. Seriously—it has gotten to me."

6. Lack of Change.

"Stagnation in the church that won’t change gets me down a lot," was one pastor’s response to my question.
The single most discouraging issue for pastors is a sense that things in the church are not changing or progressing.
One pastor cited a "lack of change … doing the same things the same ways without vision for the why behind it all."
Pastors are pouring out their lives in order to see transformation—change in people, a neighborhood or an entire city. When things seem stuck, it can feel like it’s time to throw in the towel.
One pastor described it as a "lack of mission: feeling as if we’re just spinning our wheels. Spiritual apathy among leaders who were 'with' us."


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