God blesses us in many ways.  Some of His greatest blessings come in the form of people.  Family, friends, co-workers, the list goes on.  Not many years ago, it was me and a secretary.  Today, I have the opportunity to work with some of the most amazing people on earth.  My secretary, Debbie, has served me for the last 100 years.  She deciphers what I pass off for writing and never complains.  She makes me look good, in spite of me, and is my memory when mine fails.

Sandy does....heck, I have no idea what Sandy does, but she does it very well, and wears really cool jeans.  She keeps everything organized way behind the scenes.  Chelsea is part mascot, part adopted daughter and the quiet, but surprisingly competent first face of Crosspoint.  You talk to her.

Katie and Chase are ridiculous.  They are two of the most talented people on the planet, Katie graphically, Chase videographically.  And they are just babies. They have all the creative genes I missed out on.

Dean brings tremendous organizational experience to the table.  He's the brain.  Bryan brings great energy to the table.  He's the passion.  (really LOUD passion)  Nathan brings unbelievable talent to the table.  He's competency, in so many areas that it makes it hard to funnel it in one direction.  Sherri is the advocate for the "least of these", the children.  She's the voice for those that don't have a vote.  Adam is the servant of the group.  I could tell him to do just about anything and his only question would be, "Now?".  David has a heart for hurts.  He's the compassion.  He's a magnet to those most would rather pass by.  Mike is Mr. Relationship.  He honestly likes people and loves to see people find Jesus.  Robby is to the staff what Aaron was to Moses.  He holds up our hands when they get tired.  Ariel loves the least of the least...the little bitty, teeny weenie guys.

I don't know why God decided to put all these great people around me.  Probably, He knew I needed all the help I could get.  Or, maybe I'm just His favorite.  Either way, I'll take it.


  1. Can't argue with any of that! You just spoke that truth and nothin but the truth!


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