Over my 57 years of life, I've had the opportunity to experience a lot of wonderful things.  Life has been good.  On the other hand, I've experienced a lot of things that stretched me beyond my stretching point and almost literally scared me to death.

Usually, things fall into one of these two or terror...except for one...PARENTING.  There's an entirely separate category for PARENTING.  Dickens writes in A Tale of Two Cities, "It was the best of times.  It was the worst of times."  That pretty much sums up parenting perfectly.  It is one of the greatest joys imaginable.  But, at the same time, it scares the snot out of you.

Look at it this way: If you mess up your job, you can always get another.  If you mess up your finances, you can get back on track and get them fixed.  Even if you mess up your marriage, there's at least a chance that you can repent, seek counsel and put it back together.  BUT, if you mess up your kids, they're messed up.  AND YOU did it.  Not only do you get to live with the guilt of messing up their get to spend holidays with them!  Then they breed and mess up their kids just the way you messed them up, because that's all they know how to do.  Oh yeah, did I mention that if you mess them up too bad, they'll always manage to find someone as messed up as they are, no matter how long they have to look,...and MARRY THEM!  Then they bring them and their screwed up brood with them for the holidays!

OK, this will most likely either depress you greatly or serve as tremendous birth control.  However, that's not my intent.  I have four kids.  They all turned out great...mostly.  (What did you expect?  Perfect.  I WAS THEIR DAD, REMEMBER!)  In spite of that, they turned out great.

This Sunday, we begin a brand new series called, UNDER MY ROOF.  Hopefully, we'll be able to share some of the extremely practical, biblical truths that make child-raising not only possible, but hopeful.  I hope you'll join us these 4 weeks at Crosspoint Church.


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