It feels like Monday.  Monday on steroids.  I think my Sunday, plus the TEXANS NEVER SHOWED UP hangover is still giving me flu-like/manic depressive symptoms.  Quite the combination.  I even broke out my new JJ Watt jersey.  Lot of good that did.  Then there's the nasty note I got from someone who chose to remain nameless calling me out for asking people to show up to church on time.  (Glad I didn't ask them to do something shameless like bring their Bible or tithe or speak to guests!)

In between all that, I had a breakdown within my family.  I won't go into any details, because the details aren't important...and they're private.  It was a breakdown in a relationship between a parent (me) and a child. (I have four, and 3 daughter-in-laws.  Don't put together an office pool to figure out who)  Mainly, because that's unimportant.  My point is this...and I think you can learn from this...whenever you take a stand for something, expect Satan to attack that exact place.

It never fails.  I speak out on MARRIAGE, my marriage hits a rough spot.  I speak out on FINANCES, our finances are challenged with totally unanticipated expenses and I'm really tempted to do exactly what I'm committed not to do financially.  Even though my kids are grown, why should PARENTING be any different?  (One more thing, situation handled with love and maturity and totally biblically and all is well.  Have I mentioned I have awesome kids?)

Here's my point:  When you open your mouth and step out publicly, you become a threat to Satan.  EXPECT him to attack.  Don't be surprised.  Don't be unprepared.  Don't think, "It won't happen to me".  It will.  But, rather than being discouraged, wear it as a badge of honor...and hit it head-on.

You have an enemy.  Don't ignore that.


  1. Hey P.T.
    I LOVE that you speak out on your beliefs! That's one of the MANY reasons I've been a member for almost a decade. Keep doing what you do! I wouldn't want it any other way.


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