That's probably one thing I'm going to ask God when I see Him (which I really hope isn't too soon).  You made us...just like you wanted us to be...in your image...blah, blah, blah.  So, what's up with these emotion things.  Yeah, yeah, I know they're important and good....like when someone gets married or a child is born or your team wins a big game.  Also, when someone you love dies, or evil seems to win the day or when a heart gets broken.  I understand they have their place.  But, I've observed people long enough to know that some folks appear to almost have none, while others seem to have nothing but emotions.  As someone who tends to gravitate more toward the former end, I sometimes wonder what God was thinking...or how his plan has gone so incredibly array.

Emotions are good things. They make us feel, they make us human.  However, like everything else, we need to remember that every bad thing is a good thing perverted.  So, there's a few things we need to be aware of in regard to emotions:

1.  Emotions lie.  They tell us to be angry, hurt or resentful at times when that is totally inappropriate.  They tell us we're in love, when we're only in lust.  They tell us we're a victim, when we're just in the middle of God's plan and can't see the end from this vantage point.  They tell us to be discouraged, when the data surrounding us points to the exact opposite conclusion.

2.  Emotions control.  If they can get you to feel what they want you to feel, they can control you and your whole perspective on life.  They have the power, if we give it to them, to manipulate, not only our feelings, but our actions as well.

3.  Emotions rule.  Emotions like fear, if allowed to have control in our lives, act as a leash that tells us just how far we can go and just how obedient we can be to God.  Unforgiveness rules all our relationships.  Insecurity becomes a cell we live in, while believing ourselves to be free.  I could go on and on.  Put your favorite emotion in there, apply liberally...rinse..and repeat.

BOTTOM LINE:  Emotions are a gift from God.  They allow us to feel.  They allow us to be human. They are to be the spice of life, not the main course.  If I may use this illustration, think of your self as a train.  Facts, especially the factual truth of God's Word, are to be the engine that powers our life.  Faith, a belief and trust and total assurance that God has a plan and is in control are the railroad cars of our life.  They hold and move the stuff our life is made of.  And Emotions are the caboose of our life.  Rather than driving the train, they are to simply go where the truth of God and our faith in God takes us.

If emotions, feelings, are driving your life, it's very simple...You're living backwards.  Cabooses are great things to have on the end of your train, but they don't work well at all on the front end.


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