Have you ever wondered that?  Maybe not.  Or, maybe you thought that since we only work one day a week, we really didn't have any reason to complain.  Well, we do.  There are certain things that REALLY get under our skin.  Thought I'd list a few just for your entertainment:

1.  People who take up an hour seeking your counsel, then do the opposite of what you told them.
2.  Gossip
3.  People who want to remake your church in the image of the one that was so bad they left it to come to yours
4.  People who make their kids go to school, play Little League and take dance lessons, even though they don't want to, but would never think of forcing them to go to church
5.  People who say, "God told me to do _______", which just happens to be the thing they wanted to do all along.
6.  People who treat pastors more like insurance salesmen than professionals.  They would take whatever appointment time their doctor, lawyer or dentist gave them and show up gladly, but expect you to meet them at 7:00pm, because you're just a pastor and not a professional and even though you only work one day a week, you should be available 24/7.
7.  Did I mention gossips.  Especially the ones who always get in wrong, in addition to being a gossip.  Inaccurate gossip...that's the worst...and the norm.  They should, at least, have a disclaimer, "What I'm about to say cannot be verified and is probably not true, however, never one to let factual accuracies stand in my way.....".
8.  People who always want more hymns.  If you sing one, rather than enjoying it, they make it their cause to write and suggest we should do this every week.
9.  People who get their feelings hurt...always...and think it's someone else' fault.  I got my feelings hurt, too.  It was when my best-friend talked my prom date into dumping me to go with him.  That hurt my feelings.  That's the last time I can remember.  Guess I grew up.
10.  People like me.  They're the worst.  But, God loves me, so I guess I should love them too.  And I do.  Knuckleheads.


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