From time to time I hear someone say of our church or, more specifically, of my preaching, "It's just not DEEP enough for me".  Problem is, I've never figured out what that means.  Maybe that proves they're all correct.  If you're not deep enough to understand what people who want DEEPER mean, then you just might have proved their point.  Maybe I'm just exactly what they say...shallow.

However, I have my own opinion. (there's a shocker!!!)  Personally, I think I deal with some pretty deep stuff.  Who Jesus was.  How he expects us to live.  How the Bible speaks to our purpose, our money, our marriages, our kids, our time, our service, our priorities, our me that's pretty deep stuff.

So, the question remains...if that's not deep, what is?  My conclusions are the following:
     1.  Deep is confusing rather than clear.  In other words, if I can explain it in a way that can be
          understood by a normal human being, then it must not be deep.
     2.  Deep is theological rather than practical.  Deep talks about concepts rather than telling ME
          how to live out those concepts.  It's more about doctrine than about life.
     3.  Deep uses big words instead of simple ones.  I'm very capable of using big words like
          soteriology and sacerdotalism and eschatology and hippopotamus.  I even can explain what they
          mean.  I just don't think deep means wowing you with my brilliance or a few words I picked up
          in seminary.  I think deep is the ability to make things clear, understandable and practical.

Why do people say, "This just isn't deep enough for me"?  Well, I have a theory.  I think it's because we'd rather hear a diagram of the three main views of the millennium, or a treatise on the conflicts between Calvinism and Arminianism, or the biblical and historical basis for transubstantiation, consubstantiation and symbolism than hear how we're supposed to love a black man, get our finances in order, and prioritize our spouse over our kids.  That requires me to DO something, rather than just LEARN some new facts that might come in handy if Bible Trivial Pursuit ever makes a comeback.

Maybe practical and clear and challenging is the new DEEP?  Who knew?


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