Recently, Muslims around the world have rioted, burned American flags, attacked Embassies and killed diplomats and American soldiers.  They have done so under the guise of blasphemous activities of some totally unknown film producer who, has to this point only produced a Grade D (that's kind) trailer  of a supposed film that speaks unkindly of Islam in general and Mohammed in particular.  Somehow, this religion, this peace-loving and forward-thinking religion, is so sensitive and fragile, that if anyone dares even question anything about its validity or scrutinizes its leader, it will fall like a house of cards, and therefore any such attempts must be stopped at any cost.

My thoughts are, if your tenets are that fragile, that they can't stand up to any attack or scrutiny, it only proves that the rock on which you've built your life is only a bunch of sand, at best, and possibly, a paper tiger.

As Christians, we've seen The Last Temptation of Christ, a movie depicting Jesus as a homosexual.  We've seen Dan Brown's DaVinci Code, that brought questions as to the validity of the Bible, as well as the tenets of Christianity.  We've seen the apostle John depicted as Jesus' love interest, as well as a women who bore him children.  The list goes on and on.  Yet, through all of these attacks, two things never happened:

1.  Christians never attacked, rioted or killed anyone that I am aware of.  Oh, to be sure, we decried these things, preached against these things, boycotted some things...but never killed, burned or looted.  Probably, never even thought about it.

2.  Our government officials never publicly denounced these movies/books as "stupid, inappropriate or wrong".  They never mounted a public smear campaign on the authors/producers.

Two quick conclusions:  Islam is a religion of hate and intolerance based on the musings of a thug named Mohammed who claimed to be something he never was.  It is based on brutality, the subjection of women and children and the hatred of all things non-Muslim.  It cannot be reasoned with, trusted or placated.  To do so is at best ludicrous.  At worst, dangerous.  Their goal is world-domination, by any means possible.  To apologize, placate, and pander to these people is to play into their hands.  Sadly, they live by the sword and, with absolutely no value of human life, only understand the sword.

In America today, it is unacceptable to discriminate on the basis of age, gender, sexual preference or religion...unless your religion happens to be Christian (or what the media considers an off-shoot of Christianity).  That can be fodder for every drama, sitcom and SNL sketch that comes down the pike weekly.  Also, our very own government has shown they are quite willing to discriminate against any Christian organization necessary (EX-requiring the Catholic Church to provide contraception for all its employees).  Now, to publicly apologize for this film and call it terrible, while saying nothing about the numerous and much more malicious attacks on Christianity is preposterous.

BOTTOM LINE: Understand, today in America it's not cool to discriminate against anyone...EXCEPT CHRISTIANS.  Get used to it.



    Continuing coverage of "the event." We must all pray for our nation AND our fellow Christians throughout the world.


    Just a little clip for you.

  3. I agree when you said your conclusions were very quick. I know God has personally called me to the Muslim people, and what He has shown me about then is the exact opposite of what you are talking about. I have developed many strong, stable relationships with Muslims from all around the world who:
    1) Know I am a Christian and aspiring missionary, and no they don't want to kill me. Neither do they condemn me. They actually, instead, tell me "Mashallah. This is very good. It will happen if the Lord wills it. Inshallah, my friend."
    2) Condemn violent and extreme Islam. I have seen them become flustered, sad and very angry. Perhaps even more than us.
    3) Are consistently judged on a daily basis. The sister of a good friend of mine is bullied at her school and called a terrorist because she chooses to wear hijab.
    4) Consider me, and you, and all Christians to be "people of the book." We are cousins to them. The Qu'ran actually demands respect toward us.

    The truth is there is over 1 billion Muslims on the entire planet. That is about 1 in 6 people. In America, there is so much unneeded fear and prejudice against them. Comparing REAL Muslims to Al Qaeda and violent circumstances like these would the same as Muslims saying Christians are like the KKK and Nazis and want to bomb abortion clinics. We all know the KKK and the Nazis were/are not real Christians. The same goes with Islamic extremists: they aren't real Muslims. One of the first suras I ever read was the one that states: "The death of one innocent is the death of humanity." That verse is taken very seriously.

    Its time America stops listening to the news. If anyone wants to understand the truth about Islam and the heart of the Muslim people they should seek them out and love them. Build friendships with these people, talk with an imam and his wife over lunch. Ask them questions: they are so eager to talk about God. Once we do this we will realize that we have more in common with a devoted Muslim than you do a lukewarm Christian. That is the truth. I promise. People being fearful and resentful of Muslims isn't going to encourage them, love them, or bring them closer to the Kingdom of God, which many of them are avidly searching for. This post actually works against those things. Most Americans don't know anything about Islam, and the longer the American church is choked with false pretenses about Muslims, the larger the ignorance grows in the congregation. Crosspoint doesn't that.

    It is my goal for 'Islamophobia' to be wiped from the American church. Muslims are not our enemies. They are, in fact, our allies, our cousins, and they are SO CLOSE to knowing the Truth. Somewhere along the way something went wrong. But through Christ-like Love we can show them Jesus, and He has such an incredible love for them; we can see it and feel it for ourselves if we decide to look through His lens.

    If you ever decide to do a series on World Religions, I would gladly come and speak to the church about Islam and what God is doing in the Muslim world. Its absolutely incredible and there is not enough room in this comment to write it all down. I would be there in a heart beat. I think a lot of people would be surprised. I know, because I once was fearful like so many people these days. When God called me to be a missionary to Muslims, He opened my eyes and heart to them. I want other people to see them that way too.

    Anyways, sorry for this small book. Haha. If you would like to talk about it more I would love to. And I am sorry if this post seems argumentative. It definitely isn't meant to be. I hate how words are meant to be read one way and are often read another. It happens to me all the time. I am just really passionate about this subject. :)


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