Yesterday I got a bug.  You know, one of those things that lasts for 24 hours, but makes you feel like death is imminent.  Head, stomach, body aches.  Wanna curl up in a ball and have someone tell you when tomorrow has arrived...and all is, hopefully, all better.

I'm not one of those germaphobes who looks for a germ under every rock and refuses to shake hands, but I do know enough to know that I got this from somebody I came in contact with who had it themselves.  They, in some way, passed it on to me, and it went to work in me.  Shortly, I had all the symptoms they exhibited.  Not sure who was kind enough to pass it along to me, but I'd love to know so I could properly "thank them".

We Christ-followers carry a germ as well.  It's called the gospel, the Good News, the euangelion.  Once it penetrates us, we should start seeing the the symptoms begin.  Furthermore, we should be contagious.  When people come in contact with us they should be catching what we have.

1.  They should notice the symptoms.  Rather than asking "Are you feeling OK?  You don't look so good", they should be saying, "Something's different about you.  What's going on?  You seem happier.  You act different.  What's up?"  

2.  They should be wanting to catch it.  You should be able to give an answer and spread the disease.

3.  They should show the symptoms.  As you share your "bug" and people get infected, they should start showing the symptoms of the disease.

4.  They should be infecting others.  It they got it, they should be sharing it.  That's how bugs work.  They are infectious.  They should spread.

If you've been infected by the gospel, the worst thing you can do is go into quarantine.  Get out there and spread your germs around.  It's the gospel  It's GOOD NEWS!  Be infectious.  Be contagious.  Get germy!


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