In case you've been living under a rock...let me let you in on a little news you may have missed...there's a Presidential election upcoming.  As a result, we're in full campaign mode.  Yesterday, someone released some secretly recorded tapes of one of the candidates speaking at a fundraiser.  He made some unbelievable statements.  Statements that he seems to be backing off of...distancing himself from...maybe even running away from.

What are these scurrilous words that the news is reporting have the candidate's campaign in crisis mode?  That at least 47% of the American people consider themselves VICTIMS.  They pay no taxes.  They feel they are entitled to free healthcare, free food, free housing, free education...the list goes on.  And, if 47% of the American population are VICTIMS, who need...who expect the government to take care of them, then our electoral process has become somewhat of a joke, because those 47% will automatically vote for whoever gave them, and will most likely continue to give them the free stuff.  In other words, the American voters are at least smart enough to know not to bite the hand that feeds them.  When any one candidate starts off with a automatic 47% advantage, that's a little difficult to overcome.  That's approaching the magic 50% number which would mean the election would be over before it begins.  In fact, we could just save billions of dollars and cancel the election and annoint one candidate king or czar or imperial potentate or dictator.

One more detail about this most controversial statement....IT'S TRUE.  The greatest nation in the world (don't get me wrong, I didn't say perfect.  We've got plenty of warts and scars and embarrassments from our past and present.  But, tell me where you'd rather live than the the USA?  If you have an answer, please move there immediately) has become a nation of VICTIMS.

A.  Something's wrong with our life.
B.  It's not our fault.
C.  Someone else needs to take responsibility for me and fix it.

The other day I handed one of my employees a mess.  I told him, "It's not your fault, but it is your problem.  You didn't do it, but it's your job to fix it."  That's life.  Get over it.  Get on with it.  Get moving.  And smile while you do it.

Everyone has been victimized in some way during their lives.  You didn't get to be the pitcher in Little League because the coach let his son have that spot.  You obviously should have made an A in History, but the teacher just didn't like you.  Bob, who's a total tool, got the promotion you deserved, because he's such a brown-nose.  You weren't born in the right family, didn't go to the right school, didn't live in the big house, didn't drive the cool car...I could go on and on.

But it all boils down to the willingness of people to take personal responsibility for their lives.  

I got a windshield replaced the other day.  The owner was a lady who had fled from Iraan years ago.  She was a talker.  Some of the things she said were, "My dream was to live in America, because here you can be anything you want to be.  You can work 7 days a week, 24 hours a day if you want.  You can be whatever you want."  And also, "The only people who seem not to appreciate America are Americans".  WOW!

Today, choose to take responsibility for your life.  Choose to be a VICTOR, not a VICTIM!


  1. I was wondering why he would back off those statements when they are the truth...sad as it may be but the truth, just the same.


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