This morning, I read an article about MOMENTUM.  It stated Sir Isaac Newton's theory regarding momentum.  In case you've somehow forgotten them (like anyone would!), here's a refresher:

First law: Every object continues in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change that state by external forces acted upon it.

Second law: The acceleration (a) of a body is parallel and directly proportional to the net force (F) acting on the body, is in the direction of the net force, and is inversely proportional to the mass (m) of the body.

Awesome, right!  I know, unless you're a physics geek (do any physics geeks read this blog?), you're probably asking right now, "What in the heck does that have to do with me?"  Well, let me restate it another way that might make a little more sense for you and your life, "If you do the same things, you can expect the same results".  Or, let's try one more, "If an area of your life is going nowhere, it requires a push".  

Someone once put it this way, "If it ain't broke, break it!"  Change is not fun.  Change is hard.  It's uncomfortable.  It's challenging.  But, far too many of us sit around bemoaning our lives, or at least some aspect of them, while being unwilling to make any changes in them.  The reality is, if we keep doing what we've been doing, we'll keep getting the same sorry results we've been whining about.

As I sit here this morning writing this blog, I've been whining to my wife (her words, not mine) about how sore I am.  I tried to explain to her it's not whining, but she's not buying it.  I told her it's a good whine (not wine...whine), from a tough workout at the gym yesterday.  See, I didn't like where I saw my body headed, and that required a change in the normal routine.  Enter curls, bench press, dips, treadmills, etc....and morning ouchies (technical term used by us bodybuilders).  It requires momentum. It requires motion.  It requires change.

What area of your life is in an unacceptable state of rest?  The question is, are you going to sit around and whine about it...or are you going to create movement...momentum?

Hey, if you're motionless long enough, someone will put you in a hole in the ground and start throwing dirt on you.  Before that happens, MOVE!


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